What’s An Autodidact?

Photo by Olenka Sergienko on Pexels.com

Recently I was going through older blog entries of an author I admire, and she claimed to be an autodidact. I had to look the term up because it was new to me. Here’s what I found,

Autodidact – a self learner.

Autodidacticism is education without the guidance of educational masters or institutions. Generally, autodidactics are individuals who choose the subject(s) they will study, their studying material and the studying rhythm and time.

So that got me thinking. Is this a common thing? There have been a number of writers through the ages who were largely, if not completely self-taught. Western powerhouse Louis L’Amour read incessantly, anything he could get his hands on, while he worked as a young man and kept the practice through adulthood. His library when he passed was said to be immense. Lovecraft, author of weird science-fiction, was plagued by ill-health but blessed by intellect and taught himself by reading. Sir Terry Pratchett and Mark Twain were also self-educated writers. Herman Melville, best known for Moby Dick, engaged in self-directed learning through his life in literature, aesthetics, criticism and art. Ray Bradbury, author of fantasy, horror, science fiction, and mystery novels, graduated from high school but did not attend college. In regard to his education, Bradbury was quoted as saying:

Libraries raised me. I don’t believe in colleges and universities. I believe in libraries because most students don’t have any money. When I graduated from high school, it was during the Depression and we had no money. I couldn’t go to college, so I went to the library three days a week for 10 years.

I feel better about the number of hours I’ve spent in libraries!

So with all those famous writers claiming the title autodidact, why was the term new to me? While I had no answer to that question, I turned to the internet once again, this time Encyclopedia Britannica. Just like its paper cousin, the site holds vast amounts of knowledge on hundreds of topics in various sciences, geography, history, pop culture, philosophy, literature, religion, politics, law, and so much more. I could spend hours there, just soaking up all that knowledge! 

As so many others have, I recently acquired a copy of Michelle Obama’s book ‘Becoming’. (I admire her for so many reasons, but that’s another blog post) In her book, the Former First Lady reminisces about how she met her future husband, and how taken she was by his dedication to community, and giving hope to people. She talked a little about sitting in on a community meeting he spoke at as a community organizer. I remembered hearing the term when Barack was running for President, but I didn’t know what it was and let the learning opportunity slip by. Mrs. Obama also spoke about being inspired by Barack’s deep thoughts on social justice. Another topic I know nothing about. But I did some cursory research on it, and then fell down a rabbit-hole into political philosophy. I was inspired to stretch beyond what I knew, all from a few passages of an autobiography.

I’ve never thought of myself as an autodidact, but I’ve always loved learning about the topics I found interesting. Perhaps that’s why school and I never really hit it off. But now, as an adult, I regret not being a more engaged and driven student. There are a number of places to learn on the web, some free and others for much less than college or university would cost. Online learning has many advantages, especially in these times of Coronavirus. A search of any web browser for online education, or even a short hop to Wikipedia and a search for ‘List of MOOC Providers’ yields a staggering number of educational resources. Not all are free, mind you, there is some weeding involved. Visiting OpenLearn also proved interesting. My point is that between encyclopedias and free or cost-reduced learning resources, our thirst for knowledge doesn’t have to be limited by a lack of funds or where we live or our economic circumstances. We cannot, and should not, use or situation in life as an excuse for not knowing. Don’t understand politics? Put some time in and study how it should work so you know whether or not your local politics are working for you. Want to further your knowledge in a topic that might give you a better foothold at work? Dedicate yourself to learning about it! Don’t have a clue what you’re passionate about? Wander through the Encyclopedia Britannica until you find something that grabs your interest! You might discover a curiosity about the lost art of scrimshaw.

You just never know until you go looking.

A Feminist Tour de Force!

Blue McCarron has a Ph.D. in social psychology. She teaches and writes while living reclusively in an abandoned motel in the middle of the California desert with her Doberman, Bronte. A minister’s kid, she has an imprisoned felon for a twin and a broken heart from grieving over her lost lover, Misha. When a body is found trussed up in a public freezer and widow Muffin Crandall claims she killed an intruder in self-defense and then did some dumb things, including freezing the corpse for five years, Muffin’s brother Dan hires Blue to free his much older sister by analyzing her. It is apparent to Blue and forensic psychiatrist Rox that Muffin’s story is a hoax. But who is Muffin protecting? Who wants her dead? And, maybe more important, will Blue ever resolve her love for Misha and love again?

Complete with commentary by a Rastafarian Greek chorus in the form of ex-felon BB the Punk, the witty, suspenseful lesbian-detective thriller is hard to resist.

“Blue” is a different sort of book. I don’t mean the genre, it’s a murder mystery, but what is different from anything else I’ve read this year is that Blue doesn’t seem to follow genre conventions, and that’s refreshing and perplexing at the same time.
We have a main character with an unusual profession, who lives in an unusual place with a very unique past and a delightful dog with great taste in music, if a poor sense of timing. In fact, all the characters in this novel are stand-outs. You are given the information you need to know, and not a word more. And that is both different in this genre and highly refreshing.

You might think you know where this story is headed, but trust me when I tell you…nope.
All of the characters have very clear motivations, they are all true to themselves and their ideals and so very full of surprises.

The plot will keep you guessing, the editing is great and can we just take a moment to admire that cover?

This book gets my highest recommendation.
Find it at the Bywater Books website. Read it.
Ponder it when you’re done.
Roll it over in your mind like a full-bodied red wine for your mind.

You’ll be glad you did.

What Is? Wednesday

My idea for Words For Wednesday-Crime Words didn’t seem too popular, so I’m going to try something a little different. What Is? Wednesday. I’ll be sharing a variety of definitions, explanations and photos that explain what something is, usually with a literature or “readerly” angle. Should be something of interest for all readers…eventually! Today we’re starting with…

Flash Fiction!

Flash fiction is a fictional work of extreme brevity that still offers character and plot development. Identified varieties, many of them defined by word count, include the six-word story, the 280-character story (also known as “twitterature“), the “dribble” (also known as the “minisaga“; 50 words), the “drabble” (also known as “microfiction“; 100 words), “sudden fiction” (750 words), flash fiction (1,000 words), nanotale, and “micro-story“. (definitions credited to Wikipedia)

Do you have a favorite piece of short fiction? Tell us about it in the comments below!