School? At My Age?

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If you’ve been to this blog before, you likely know that I’m a writer. A fiction writer, to be specific. And no matter what anyone tells you, writers are never done learning. Some of us teach ourselves, others search out writing coaches, workshops and online courses. All in an effort to strengthen our writing chops and stay relevant. Not quite a year ago, I joined the Golden Crown Literary Society so that I might network and make some connections in LGBT+ writing circles. Shortly after that, I applied to the GCLS Writing Academy.

I’m not ashamed to admit I’m middle-aged, so why would I want to go back into a learning environment?

As a writer and curious human being, I never assume that I’m done learning. I’m constantly asking questions – I guess that part of me never grew up. The GCLS Writing Academy came highly recommended by a number of authors on the LGBTQIA+ spectrum, many of whom have gone on to award-winning careers. They all advised that if I was willing to put in the work, that I would absolutely come out of the program a better writer. So I applied for one of the available scholarships, sent along my first ten pages of my mystery novel in progress and crossed my fingers. I was stunned and elated when I got word that I’d been accepted into the Writing Academy and had won the inaugural Erica Abbott Mystery Scholarship. Why? Because my writing, and my quest to improve it, and my dream of publication by a publisher (better than the first one) felt validated. Like someone else finally agreed that I had potential. 

Maybe there was hope for me and my dream yet.

I’ve been in waiting mode since I’ve been welcomed to the GCLSWA. Waiting for the book list, waiting for September when classes start. I have a manuscript picked out that I’ll be working on as we go through the 9 month program. I know, I’m being impatient and the folks that run the Writing Academy probably still have a hundred things to do, but I’m fairly beside myself with excitement. Over a writing program. Writing school. School.

At my age?

Hell, yeah!

Because I’m just a little bit closer to learning how to properly write the stories that have been rattling around in my head. A little bit closer to changing someone’s life with fiction, like stories changed my life all those years ago. And just a little bit closer to giving back to the LGBTQIA+ community.

How do you, as an adult, feel about school?

Let’s Play Favourites!

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Let’s do that thing we aren’t supposed to and play favourites for just a moment. No, I’m not going to ask you to choose your favourite child or favourite pet, don’t worry.

Who is your favourite character? (Writers, this could be one of your own, or someone else’s)

Readers, and I hope all of us here today consider ourselves readers…who is your favourite character?

Let me know in the comments below!