The Long Shot~A Review


The Long Shot is exactly what I needed after a horrible, no-good, very bad day. It has conflict, yes. It has an age-gap that is a hurdle for one of the characters. It has sexism, drive, ambition, bitchiness, and growing feelings. Oh yeah, and golf too. *grin* You don’t need to be a golf-enthusiast to enjoy this book. I kept up, and I have a mere passing interest in the game. But you shouldn’t read this for the golf.
Read it for the sense of hope it carries throughout. For the ‘will-she-get-over-the-age-gap-baggage’ question. Read it if you’re a romantic.
Yes, it’s a piece of fluff. But damn good fluff that can ease the pain of a horrible, no-good, very bad day.

If this sounds like something you might be interested in, head over the Ylva Publishing website to get a copy.

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